G.R.O Chemical Information sheet
Seed Mix Chemical Use rate When to apply
Mass Builder Clethodim/arrow/select/poast 6-10 oz/acre Anytime
Mass Builder Pursuit 1.44-2.96 oz/acre early post emerge
Mass Builder 24DB/Butryrac 200 1-3 quarts/acre early post emerge
Inner Sanctum none unless you want to kill either all the grass or all the clovers
Inner Sanctum Clethodim/arrow/select/poast will kill off the oats and festuolium
Overseed mix same as mass builder
Fall Draw Clethodim/arrow/select/poast 6-10 oz/acre early post emerge
Frosty Delight same as fall draw
Grains and Greens Caution, you will kill off the oats and triticale if you spray grass killer on this mix
Four Galore Pursuit 1.44-2.96 oz/acre preplant/early post
Four Galore Clethodim/arrow/select/poast 6-10 oz/acre post emerge
Four Galore Dual Magnum/parallel/me-too-lachlor 1-1.33 pts/acre preplant/preemerge
Four Galore Prowl H20 1-1.5 pts/acre preplant/preemerge
G.R.O Soybeans Glyphosate 1-2 qt/acre post emerge
G.R.O Soybeans Pursuit 1.44-2.96 oz/acre pre/post emerge
G.R.O Soybeans Dual Magnum/parallel/me-too-lachlor 1-2 pts/acre preplant/preemerge
G.R.O Soybeans Extreme/thundermaster 3 pts/acre preplant/post emerge
Soil Builder don’t use chemicals on it
Logging roads any chemicals you use will either kill grass or clovers so don’t spray