I planted a plot in clover in May. The rains never came. Now I have a lot of grass and almost no clover. What can I do for this fall?
Do you think the clover will come up once the moisture is right?
Should I replant the clover this fall?
Is there anything else I can over seed if you think the clover will eventually come up?
Mow and if your going to spray I would use "Select." I would mow and spray but I understand they argument against spraying. So you decide about using chemicals but mowing is needed in my opinion.
It has been a tough year for weeds for us as well so feel your pain.
i would give it a chance.
Do you think the clover I planted is a dead issue or can I expect it to grow once we have more moisture?
To get this out of the way, I am not a spray guy, herbicides or insecticides. I would mow the grasses as they may fade in the fall. I would not want them to reseed. Fall Draw has some clovers and brassicas. John has an Overseed mix of clovers and he added some chicory to it for me. The overseed mix can be frost seeded next spring.