Here are some tips for your chemical preplant program. I recommend mixing G.R.O 4-15-12 seed starter with your glyphosate. The micro nutrients are overlooked by food plotters but most progressive farmers know the importance of micros. The humics in the seed starter help your roundup stick to the weeds and forages that your trying to kill. Humics also act as tank cleaner and they slightly change the water pH, this results in better roundup kill. You also get soil conditioning as humics naturally aerate the soil.
If you are looking for an alternative to roundup, use pursuit. Pursuit is what people used for soybean herbicide for many years. You can also tank mix pursuit with roundup. The downside of giving this residual control would be that you wont be able to overseed brassicas into pursuit treated soybeans.
You also can use parallel or me-too-lachlor or dual along with your roundup at preplant burndown. This will give you residual grass control. Just don't do this if your going to plant spring grains.
Hello Travis, I believe Johnson grass is resistant to gly. You may look further into that. At least
that was my experience here in Texas. Best of luck!
I just sprayed last night using GRO seed starter in the mix. Sprayed the cerial rye cover crop in the plot that will be planted in soybeans this year, steep hilside where I'll be seeding with GRO High and Dry and a heavy amount of Jonsongrass in a new food plot I'm making. Hope the added GRO seed starter helps the GLY work in that Johnson grass!