Spring triticale
Forage Peas
Crimson clover
Berseem clover
Seeding Rate: 80 per acre
Planting Depth: 1/2"
Planting Dates:
North: Apr 1-Jun 1, Aug 1-Sept 15
Central: March 15-Jun 1, Aug 1-Sept 15
South: Mar 1- May 1, Sept 15-Oct 31
Herbicides: None
-Fast growing
- Handles variable soils and lower pH’s
- Naturally smothers weeds
- Builds up soil organic matter
-Good spring and early summer nutrition
-Can’t spray herbicides on it without killing either the grains or the clovers.
-Matures fast, need to clip to prevent seed production.
May need to clip multiple times during a growing season. Can be over seeded into, clipped short and used as a companion crop. Can be a short rotation crop or full season crop.
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