Winter Triticale
Winter Rye
Winter Wheat
Forage Peas
Daikon Radish
Winfred Brassica
Purple top Turnip
Seeding Rate: 50 lbs. per acre
Planting Depth: 1/4-1/2”
Planting Dates:
North: August 1- Sept 15th
Central: August 1-Oct 1
South: Sept 1-October 31
Herbicides you can use: None
-Tolerates wet better than other brassica blends
-Fast Growing
- Highly Nutritious
- Handles lower soil Ph ranges and poorer soils
-Semi shade tolerant
- Helps build soil organic matter
-Not as nutritious as frosty delight or fall draw
Fertilize according to soil test. If you seed in June the turnips would become woody or over mature
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