No matter if you are new to food plotting or an experienced veteran, everyone can do better. Just like the guy who can grow 200 bushel corn, he can do more things to help him grow 250 bushel corn. That same guy will never continually grow 200 bushel corn if he is mining the soil or not keeping his soil healthy.
What is preventing you from going to the next level, no matter what level you are currently on?
This is the first growing season for me on our farm in eastern Kentucky. It's 95% forest, so not a ton of acreage to plant, but enough to provide the tonnage needed. I soil sampled first, purchased the necessary lime and fertilizer. I was raised in Maryland where my uncle had a beef farm. He taught me to fertilize after emergence. I have read where some till/plow/disc then fertilize about half what is reqd, then surface till in then plant. So I am testing this a bit,
I limed all the fields, then two I tilled and planted and will fertilize after plot gets to about 5 or 6 inches. The other plots, I limed, will till, half fertilize, surface till, then plant and fertilize again when the plot gets some height. I am planting Whitetail Institute Fusion, GRO Fall Draw, GRO Mass Builder, and GRO Grains & Greens (probably put in in July). My limitation
is proper seed to soil contact (no cultipacker yet) so coverage currently is done dragging some fencing. But would love to hear John, what do you recommend when prepping with limited equipment.
My biggest challenge is poor soil conditions. I am dead in the water until I can get the Ph up
My biggest limiting factor is planting equipment. We have access to a plow and a disc. But Mother Nature needs to shut the faucet off. I have all my seed already, need to get lime and fertilizer yet. Probably do that this weekend.
Question on fertilizer: John you recommended 0-0-60 fertilizer, our local co-op has 0-0-62. How much of a difference if any will that make?
Our main field is rented out to help with food plot costs and taxes. Every other year the field is either corn or soybeans. In the years of corn we will seed in August between the rows and have had good luck but like this year the field will be a food desert after the soybeans are harvested (very little waste). So what are people planting in this situation is my question? I would like something on the ground over winter but the beans come off so late would anything grow that late in the year?