Plot 1: 112 field corn planted along fence row For food and cover. chicory is planted through the middle. four galore planted around other outside edges. grains and greens planted on each side of chicory.
Plot 2: four galore planted around entire outside edges. chicory planted down the middle. inner sanctum planted in far corner where its primarily shady. grains and greens planted on each side of chicory.
Plot 3: 112 field corn planted along fence row for food and cover. chicory planted down the middle. four galore planted around other outside edges. grains and greens planted on each side of chicory.
Plot 4 will be 2 acres and plan is to be planted by may 15, 2017. it will contain 112 corn, chicory, four galore, inner sanctum, grains and greens.
Sprayed 4-15-12 2 days after planting as it rained the next day after rolling seed in. spraying 5-0-4-6 when growth gets 4-6 inches.
Plot spike Oats, more chicory and 90 day purple tops will be planted end of july in spots that did not take or missed.
All surrounding farming fields will be in soybeans this year.
Updates to follow as time passes and plants grow!
Plot 1
Plot 2
Plot 3
Plot 4
Visits the plot frequently!!
Four galore planted on May 31, 2017!
Just put in Frosty Delight Aug 13!
Plot 4 as of July 3rd, 2017
Plot 4 as of July 3rd! Deer destroyed the leaves off the apple tree and literally mowing the beans and peas down!
Glad that you figured it out. Oops, I don't see the stand.
14 foot Platform stand without blind on 2 acre plot.
Posted now, just had to post a word post then had to edit for it to load a pic.
Too bad about the pictures.
This is plot #3 planted in April
2 acre plot as of June 20. weather man lied to me as i was counting on it to rain days just after seeding however, it didnt rain for over a week. this pic is a week after it finally rained! The apple tree leaves are getting destroyed by the deer! The bare strip done the middle will be planted with GRO fall specials... lol!
Impressive! Good luck with them.
Nice work.
Plot #4 planted on May 31,2017. I kinda changed plans on this plot. I'm turning it into a trial plot to see what they hammer. All variety of seeds are planted individually in sections. 112 field corn from rural king planted on outside edges( 5 rows), 8 rows of sweet corn (jackpot and peaches n cream), plot spike forage feast from tractor supply, inner sanctum (GRO), chicory (chic magnet by imperial white tail), grains and greens(GRO), four galore(GRO), rape from farm and home supply, purple top turnips from farm and home supply. I also planted an apple tree! Will keep updated!
Located South Central Illinois... Nokomis, IL
Looks good, I hope mine grows as fast.
Nice work on those fields. Where are you located? I am waiting for the next update. Good luck.
Plot #4 almost ready to plant!
Plot #3 as of May 8, 2017
Plot #2 as of May 8, 2017