I was wondering the methods others use to broadcast the seed. I purchased Fall Draw and Greens and Grains which I planted 7/23 on 2 acres. I 1.sprayed 2.disc 3.fertilized 4.disc 5.packed 6. planted 7. packed again, but left many bare spots doing so. I used a walk behind seeder. I found it very hard to adjust the seed rate because of the varying size of the seed. Does anyone have a trick or seeder that they would suggest?
By the way, the seed is growing great and already pulling bucks in!
My grandpa taught me to always set the seeding rate (especially in clovers and turnips) for a over the shoulder seeder to where you don't think the opening is big enough to let enough seed out. Or to a setting smaller than recommended. Then walk the plot lengthwise and then crossways until your seed is spread. I did this with my Mass Builder and Fall Draw and had great coverages upon germination.
Thanks for the replies. I have used a similar seeder before and found it to work good. I can see where having the spinner a couple feet higher would give you more of an even spread. Part of the issue I had was thinking the seed was broadcasting out further than it was as I noticed that I planted heavier right under the seeder. I will try this next time. Thank you.
I personally like the over the shoulder crank on seeders. I think you can control the seeding rate better and you just notice if your settings have moved. Something the levers get moved just a little and when using small seeds it can make a big difference. I also try to set my rate so I have to walk the plots twice. The first time normal speed but second pass going the other way is faster and I really make the seed go so I probably only do about a 1/3 of the trips. Since doing that I haven't had the issues I previously did with bare spots.